Some people come here for my Fortran page. Others want my PhD thesis titled Quantum Waveguide Theory (which is available from the UWA library) or my Honours thesis titled Quantum Chaos in Second Harmonic Generation - Stu.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Resolving binge drinking problem

OK, so their has been a lot of press coverage of the "drinking" epidemic sweeping across the country. Rather than the usual solutions, which involve the errosion of citizens rights, restricting access to alcohol and other such draconian measures, I would like to suggest a new novel approach.

Why not mix a sedative in with the alcohol?

That way, when you have too much to drink, you don't get violent, you get sleepy. No more drunken violence and social mischief, rather delicate members of the public will be tip-toeing through a sea of slumbering drunks. No more pub fights, people will instead be cuddled up in the corner enjoying each others body warmth.

What about drink driving? It will be a thing of the past. People will instead be asleep in their cars where they left them, probably collecting parking fines.

An extra side benefit for the drinker, aside from good nights sleep without the tossing and turning, is the ability to sleep right through the hang-over period. If the brewers get the dose right, people will sleep right through that nasty period about 8am in the morning and emerge bright as a button around 4pm. Hooray I say.

I mean, really.

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