Some people come here for my Fortran page. Others want my PhD thesis titled Quantum Waveguide Theory (which is available from the UWA library) or my Honours thesis titled Quantum Chaos in Second Harmonic Generation - Stu.

Tuesday 20 March 2001

How many muscles

Well, after spending an entire day throwing up, from what I beleive to be alcohol poisoning (or possible, 1 bad bottle of home brew), I would like to pose the following question:
How many muscles are used when you throw up?
I haven't been able to find an answer on the net, so obviously no answer is known. From the way my body was feeling, it might be a strong contender for an all body workout and possible better than the abdominator that I have seen (and, to be honest, tempted by) on TV.

Friday 16 March 2001

WA Meal

Again Colin and I have thought up perhaps the first unofficial traditional WA meal:
Endangered Quokka pie delicately bouyant on a kangaroo paw flower potage with a 500-million-year-old stomatolite jus.

Friday 2 March 2001


After a recent trip to Japan to visit good friends Colin and Sandra, Colin and I came up with the perfect meal:
Rice, pig fat (on a stick for ease of digestions), baked salt, cheese and cigarette ash (dripped from a smoke hanging on the lips of some old tarted up hag)
We realise that getting hold of Pig Fat and baked salt can be difficult in Australia and other areas of the world, so we feel a suitable replacement is a Cheese Sausage, which has the added benefit of replacing the cheese as well.

It is commonly believed that this meal has all food groups and meets all international health standards. However, readers should consult their physician before attempting this diet.